Weather in the Dolomites of South Tyrol, Italy

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Weather forecast of the Dolomites, South Tyrol Italy

Weather conditions in South Tyrol Italy today 02.05.2024

General weather situation:
Currents from the south will bring moist air masses closer to the Alps.

Today’s weather:
During the day, precipitation will be less frequent. In the afternoon the probability of showers will increase again. Maximum temperatures between 14° in Sterzing and 18° in Bozen.

Today’s weather in South Tyrol Italy

Mountain weather Dolomites South Tyrol Italy today 02.05.2024

Dolomites Mountain weather conditions today:
Currents from the south will bring moist air masses closer to the Alps.

Dolomites Mountain weather today:
In the mountains, visibility will often be reduced by clouds and snowfall. Snowfall limit around 2000 m.

Wind in 3000m
1 - light breeze: 5-15 km/h · 2 - light breeze: 16-30 km/h · 3 - high wind: 31-60 km/h · 4 - gale / storm: > 60 km/h
Mountain weather Dolomites South Tyrol Italy today

Weather conditions in South Tyrol Italy tomorrow 03.05.2024

Weather conditions tomorrow:
The high-altitude current will turn to the north, but the air masses will remain fairly humid.

Tomorrow’s weather:
Clouds will predominate, the sun will only appear in places and a few rain showers are expected during the day. North winds will set in in some valleys. Temperatures in the afternoon will be between 13° in the Wipptal and 19° in the Unterland.

Tomorrow’s weather South Tyrol Italy

Mountain weather Dolomites South Tyrol Italy tomorrow 03.05.2024

Dolomites Mountain weather conditions tomorrow:
The high-altitude current will turn to the north, but the air masses will remain fairly humid.

Dolomites Mountain weather tomorrow:
It will remain changeable in the mountains with lots of clouds and a few showers. The snow line will remain around 2000 m.

Wind in 3000m
1 - light breeze: 5-15 km/h · 2 - light breeze: 16-30 km/h · 3 - high wind: 31-60 km/h · 4 - gale / storm: > 60 km/h
Mountain weather Dolomites South Tyrol Italy tomorrow

Weather evolution

min: 4°/11°
max: 13°/21°
Reliability: 60%
min: 4°/10°
max: 15°/22°
Reliability: 60%
min: 3°/11°
max: 17°/24°
Reliability: 60%
Cloudy, moderate rain
min: 6°/12°
max: 15°/22°
Reliability: 60%

Partly sunny

More sunny spells on Saturday, although it will not be completely stable and isolated showers are possible. On Sunday, sun and clouds will alternate. Temperatures will rise again and the tendency to shower will only increase slightly during the day. Monday will continue with a mix of sun and clouds. Tuesday will be more changeable with lots of clouds and a few showers.

Weather forecast generated: 02.05.2024, 11:00

Deutsch Italiano