Sella Ronda hotels and accommodations in the ski circuit Sellaronda

The interactive Sellaronda map assists you in finding accommodation

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The interactive Sellaronda map assists you in finding accommodation

Accommodations and hotels in the Sella Ronda

Where to stay in the Sella Ronda? There are many hotels and accommodation options in all the villages and ski resorts in the Dolomites surrounding the Sella Massif. If you are looking for accommodations (room, suite or apartments in hotel, garni, chalet or holiday apartments residence and vacation rental) for your ski holiday,
please use our animated map with accommodation and the Sellaronda, see above ↑ ( NEW 2024 ).

On the map you can find out the location of the hotels regarding the ski route and decide whether you want to add them to your favorites.

Clicking on the markers opens a pop-up information window of the accommodation.
By checking the checkbox you will add it to your list of preferred accommodations. A white "checkbox" icon will appear next to the map with the number of selected lodgings. Then by clicking on this white icon (with number of selected hotels ) you can send a general request for room availability. Vacation offers will then be sent to you right away.

N.B. By clicking on the beige markers you will also find the blue "Book direct" button and you can book directly on the hotel website.

Discover the path of the ski slopes and ski lifts in the interactive map of the Sella Ronda.

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